Author's Interview with Jack Ori

First, before we move forward with our Authors Interview, I would like to start with an introduction. 

1. Could you please introduce yourself to us?
My name is Jack Ori and I am a transgender life coach and author who empowers young adults through stories to live life on their own terms. I like to write about teenagers who are facing serious issues and who find their inner strength through overcoming these challenges.
2. Congratulations on your book. So what inspired you to write this book?
Thank you! This story is very close to my heart. I wanted to write a story about a young woman finding her inner strength and overcoming a serious trauma, and I also wanted to address the poor way sexual assault is often depicted in media. Finally, I wanted to write a love story about two people starting over.
3. What is the book all about?
Reinventing Hannah is a young adult novel about a shy teenager who struggles to find her voice and reclaim her life after she is sexually assaulted. Throughout the novel, Hannah grows from being so quiet her friends call her "Mouse" to becoming an advocate for herself and other survivors.
4. Why did you choose this genre for your book?
I wrote this book primarily for young adults because that's who I wanted to empower. While there are lots of books about this topic, the available books don't always go deep enough into the issues teens face after a sexual assault, and I wanted to give readers something meaningful that could impact their lives and help them feel less alone. I think the book also has crossover appeal for adults who have survived being sexually assaulted.
5. How much time did it take to complete this book?
About 18 months altogether. I wrote five drafts before I figured out the story and then after draft six I revised another five times.
6. What makes your Book Special?
I get inside Hannah's head and allow readers to explore every aspect of her personality, life, and transformation. Even though the story is about a young woman who has been sexually assaulted, it's also about her transformation, as well as being about the many pressures and sources of stress teenagers - especially young women -- face in all areas of their lives. I also have an interesting perspective, as I am a transgender guy who was raised female, so I am familiar with lots of aspects of what Hannah faces.
7. When is your second book coming?
I'm working on the first draft now, and hopefully, it will be quicker than the first book (I don't want to just put out a book every two years or something.) But I don't have a firm date yet.
8. While writing did you get any writer's block? What is the Tip that you will give others who are facing a writer's block?
Writer's block happens a lot, and I've heard it's because of being resistant to emotional aspects of the upcoming scenes. It helps me to take a break for a few minutes. Often when I'm struggling with a scene, I play a round of a computer game that doesn't require much brain power, like a card game or something, and often an idea comes to me as I'm doing that. I also sometimes have inner dialogues with my protagonist and ask her what she wants to happen next.
9. Apart from being a talented author, what are your other hobbies?
Reading, of course, and I also enjoy playing chess, card games, and puzzle games. 
10. Last but not the least, How did you feel, while giving this interview?
This was fun! I had to think a lot about some of the answers. I hope that what I've said inspires other writers and readers.
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