Author Interview With Gayatri Athreyan.

First, before we move forward with our Author's Interview, I would like to start with an introduction.

1.Could you please introduce yourself to us?

A content leader by profession, a writer by passion, and a life-long learner by interest - that is me in a nutshell. I am Gayatri, and I have been in the writing profession for over three decades now, and only recently published by first book. I work for an IT organisation where I manage a team of writers and help design customer content for products. Writing has been my passion since childhood, and after having written stories and poems over decades, I finally decided to write something worthwhile and put it out there for people to read.

2. Congratulations on your book. So what inspired you to write this book?

I believe firmly in the philosophy that life is a journey of learning. I think we learn all through our lives - as a child at school and college, as a worker at the work place, and other structured learning environments. But also from various experiences in our lives. Each person and each event or transaction in our lives teaches us something, and that is the beauty of life. We just have to keep out minds open to that possibility, and the opportunities to learn are immense. So my book attempts to bring this thought to the readers and inspire them to open their minds to learning. It is meant to trigger readers to think about the people and experiences in their lives who have taught them something. 

3. What is the book all about?

As I said, I wanted people to reflect on their own experiences that taught them something valuable. Towards that, I have tried to chronicle some of my life lessons in this collection of stories. They are stories to the reader, but they are memories and reflections for me.

4. Why did you choose this genre for your book?

I did contemplate writing fiction - an imaginary story. I did start work on a couple of drafts too. But I kept coming back to this genre and this idea because I wanted my first book to be authentic and from the heart. And a collection of stories/essays like this one, which are real and true, bring the message to the reader more effectively than fiction. That was my idea behind this book.

5. How much time did it take to complete this book?

Tough question. I actually had the idea of this book more than a decade ago. I also decided the title of the book back then, and wrote my first 3-4 chapters. Then life took over and I just got busy with so many responsibilities. Then about 18 months ago I revisited my idea and the initial drafts and decided I must complete this book now. From the moment I took that resolve, it took me about 4 months to complete the draft, and another month or so to get it edited and refined, before sending for publishing. 

6. What makes your Book Special?

The fact that they are true stories, right from the heart. And also the fact that they paint the picture of our country, our culture, our family system, the various nuances of the lives we lead. Anyone reading the stories would definitely to relate to something or the other in the book. It could be your story - it could be something very like an experience you have had. And that is the beauty of the book. Also, I have been told the book is written in a simple yet impactful way so that anyone can read and enjoy it. It is not pretentious, it is not trying to impress you - it is narrating a story with a moral (unstated and left for you to imbibe) and you will surely enjoy reading it.

7. When is your second book coming?

Soon I hope. I have the idea, I have started on it. But I need to make progress. I would like to continue trying to inspire the reader and share my experiences so that people can benefit in some way from them. The second book is probably going to be written with the same good intent. Fingers crossed I get it out soon.

8. While writing did you get any writer's block? What is the Tip that you will give others who are facing writer's block?

Oh yes I did. I started with a clear plan and also set a timeline for myself. But at times the words would stop, the flow would come come. And if I forced myself to write, I would not be happy with the words I was forcing out. At such times I would take a pause. I would let my mind go blank (not push it to think), and then return to it after some time when I felt the words coming gushing back. 

9. What are your other hobbies besides being a talented author?

I love to read - always been a voracious reader. And I read anything - from classics to popular fiction, from thrillers to romance, from fiction to non-fiction. I also love to be creative - I used to paint and indulge in creative arts when younger, but now that I find myself short of time to do this, I indulge my creative side by helping my fashion designer daughter in her entrepreneurial journey. 

10. Last but not the least, How did you feel, while giving this interview?

Extremely grateful that you gave me the time, to speak to me and hear me out. My idea is for more and more people to read this book - not just because I wrote it, but because I think the life lessons it holds are very valuable to all, and I would really like.people to absorb it. So thank you. 

Book Review | Book Link


  1. Wonderful interview! Gayatri is as articulate and intelligent as the books she authors :)

  2. Congratulations on your first book and look forward to many more!


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