
Showing posts from 2021

The Justice by Nikhil Khasnabish

The Blurb: Ime Borah, who is Uddipan Saikia’s fiancée, is brutally raped at the foot of the hills, the abode of cursed souls and witches. The rapists plan to kill and make her a feast of jackals. But they fail to do so. She finally manages to escape from the hills. Unable to forget that she is a rape victim, she makes the hard decision to spend the rest of her life alone. But luck steps in to walk her to meet with the unexpected happening. My take:   The Justice is Nikhil Khasnabish’s first book I have read. The story is about a girl who is struggling with herself and about the world at the same time because, just before her wedding, she gets raped. Heartbroken, confused, and shattered, she wants to share the truth with her soon-to-be husband, Uddipan Saikia. Whether he will accept her after knowing the truth gives her worries and tension. Will she find enough courage to share the pain? The question nags her.   It is a heart-touching story packed with suspense, surprise, emotions, and

Fight or Flight: The Ultimate Book for Understanding and Managing Stress by Gary R Plaford.

The Blurb: Fight or Flight is a two-part book. Part one explains how stress is an integral part of our lives. It can be motivational or debilitating. Therefore it is not avoiding stress, but rather managing stress that is critical. The book discusses the four conditions that cause stress, mindset, habitual thought patterns, and how the brain functions during stress. Part two is aimed at helping us manage stress. Stress can affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Hence, rather than relying on general stress reduction techniques, it is better to employ specific physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual techniques for managing stress. My Take: Fight or Flight: The Ultimate Book for Understanding and Managing Stress is the new book written by Gary R Plaford which will make you realize that Stress is not external it's internal and the best way to reduce it is to take control of your thoughts. Stress is not always bad. Stress creates pressure. Remember a lump of co

The Different Bride by Charu Singh

  The Blurb:  It’s not everyday that we come across stories like that of Chandrika and Prakash. In a world where it’s not easy to be different, Chandrika does not carry her supposed ‘flaw’ as baggage. She instead lives a happy and cheerful life with clear and serious goals. She works hard towards getting into a top business school, to turn her dreams into reality. Despite her endearing nature, deep within her heart she truly believes that love is not for her. But one fine day, the love bell rings, thanks to Graham Bell! Prakash works as a sales executive with an internet company. He has a strained relationship with his father because of his father’s rigid rules and rigorous expectations. When the two meet by fateful design, it’s not just Chandrika’s beliefs that are set to change but her entire life! The Different Bride is a love story of its own kind. It will leave you feeling stronger about how love transcends all the barriers that may come in its way. My Take: The Different Bride is

Diary of an Angry Young Man by Rishi Vohra

The Blurb: I grew up in a housing society in Mumbai (then Bombay) that overlooked a slum colony, beyond which lay a notorious area which I refer to as the ‘other’ side in this book. The ‘other’ side held a deep fascination for me with its colorful, busy alleys bustling with activity, people and mystery. Most of the domestic help at our building complex lived in the adjacent slums. During my growing up years, I played cricket and other sports with their kids in our society compound. On a few evenings, I wandered to the ‘other’ side with them and discovered a whole new world of notoriety, warmth and color. There was one particular young man in that area that had become a figure of childhood folklore of sorts and we knew him only by his nickname. He had achieved a high level of recognition, given the issues he stood up for and the scraps he got embroiled in. I saw him just once and identified him instantly from his notorious group as he stood with an air of confidence outside that modest

Is Present Reality by Vipin Gupta.

About the Book: Is Present Reality: The Super-science of the transcendental value investigates our reality as an entity who has the power to shape the present and be the light that affirms our presence in the eternal future. The transcendental value of the past is immanent within the present. The present becomes the subject of scientific investigation. The entity who conceived the scientifically investigable present is the super-scientific factor, whose reality transcends beyond the limits of science. An observer behaves as a mirror image of the present and uses the light of self-consciousness for illuminating the reality of the universe. Without the observer’s light, the present of the universe is dark matter. Once the observer services the sentient light force, the future of the observer is the black hole. As a manager of our reality, we have an option not to transform our sentient energy into a light force, behaving as if we are the white star source of light, for illuminating the r

Author's Interview with Ravindra Rao.

First, before we move forward with our Author's Interview, I would like to start with an introduction. 1. Could you please introduce yourself to us? I suppose the book can do this job better. 2. Congratulations on your book. So what inspired you to write this book? The need to communicate rather than any inspiration impelled me to write the book. This need arose because we see frequent upheavals amongst different sections of the society claiming their religion and their scripture to be superior to the exclusion of all others. This claim is due to incorrect understanding of scriptures. This incorrect understanding is due to misinterpretation. I wanted to attack this root cause of misinterpretation by enunciating, rules of interpretation, substantiating it and codifying the same so as to reflect the magnanimity of the God and His utterances in scripture and synchronize it with existing reality. 3. What is the book all about? It is about Gods' characteristics of omniscience, omnip

Deyga's Skin Care Gel Face Masks

Deyga strongly believes in Natural- Its the only way to keep your skin safe and flawless. All products are hand made and the base ingredients are highly nourishing. The ingredients used are 100% Natural. Natural ingredients originate from nature and ONLY undergo chemical changes due to biological processes such as fermentation, distillation, and cold processing. 1. TURMERIC HEALING FACE MASK Made with golden luxury, obtained from our farms in Erode, our Turmeric Face Mask is perfect to help improve your skin's health! Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help rejuvenate your skin and bring out its natural glow. It can help improve collagen production as well! Benefits: Provides hydration Can help reduce facial hair growth with regular use Lightens scars and marks Prevents early signs of aging Provides a healthy glow Easy to Use Steps: Apply a vital layer of the mask on clean skin Let it dry for 30 minutes Rinse thoroughly or use a wet cotton or cotton cloth to wipe off

Invisible Ties by A.R Nadya

The Blurb: As Karachi burned in the 1990s, the painfully shy Noor Kamal found refuge in an antique jade mirror stolen from Daisy, her social butterfly mother. One fateful day, the violence hits home as a motley crew of burglars storm the Kamal residence, killing Joseph, the faithful driver who tried to shield Noor and kidnapping Daisy in the process. Traumatized by the turn of events and succumbing to familial pressure, Noor reluctantly agrees to start life afresh in Singapore as the wife of Meekaal Kalim, an investment banker. Trapped in a loveless marriage, Noor finds succour in studying psychotherapy. Her attempt to heal others brings her close to Ella, her neighbour, and Jake, a handsome American who is struggling to deal w ith his emotional breakdown. As she tries to exorcise ghosts from the past and break free from the shackles, where will Noor’s longing for love take her? Would she be able to liberate herself from her strong cultural values and ties? A saga of love and trials, a

Bowled, but Not Out: An Entertaining Family Drama by Ruchira Khanna.

The Blurb: What's a girl to do when she wants to hit boundaries but life throws her beamers? Saru expected her life to turn for the better when she found love and married. Instead, she kept getting deliberate yorkers from her mother-in-law. She hit a sixer when a baby arrived, but things got worse soon after. Her appeal to the umpire fell on deaf ears. Finally, she walked out of the stadium, and let go of the first love of her life. Then she flew off to New York for her Masters. Will Saru get a second chance at love and marriage and get to hit a century? Will her daughter ever form a relationship with her biological father? Bowled, but Not Out is an entertaining family drama full of heart and thoughtful life lessons and will resonate with anyone fond of cricket. My Take:  Bowled, but Not Out: An Entertaining Family Drama is the new book written by Ruchira Khanna, and it's a book that will keep you entertained till the end.  I really liked the storyline, it's unique and full

THE GUT: Story of Our Incredible Second Brain by Payal Kothari

The Blurb: How does the gut affect immunity? What is the connection of our gut and mental health? How can we cure issues like acidity, obesity, and brain fog? The good news is that almost any ailment can be healed. The key is not just managing the symptoms but treating it from it's root cause—the gut! your gut is a host to 100 trillion bacteria, good and bad, living in Synergy with each other to help fight against pathogens, diseases and germ attacks. It also helps accelerate your weight loss journey as well as build and boost immunity to fight any virus. The gut is also the main reason you can remember and reason things; it is where your fight-flight responses lay. It helps builds your cognitive fitness and protects your mental well-being as it is also your happy hormone secretor. However, modern lifestyle changes have made our guts more vulnerable than ever before. Payal kothari’s the gut is all about understanding your bio-individual needs. It simplifies ways to heal simple and

Safarnama by Janhavi Bhat.

The Blurb: ‘सफरनामा’ जान्हवी भट द्वारा रचित हिंदी कविताओं और उर्दू शायरी का एक अनूठा संग्रह है। इनमें से कई कविताओं की रचना विविध काव्य सम्मेलनों की पार्श्वभूमी पर की गयी थी। वहीं दूसरी ओर उर्दू शायरी का निर्माण महज़ उर्दू अल्फाज़ सीखने की मंशा से हुआ था। सोशल मीडिया के उपयोग द्वारा ऐसे अनगिनत प्रयोगों को अतुलनीय प्रोत्साहन मिलता रहा। और यह रचनाएँ काफी समय तक डायरी के पन्नों में दबी रही। इनको प्रकाशित करने की प्रेरणा जान्हवी भट को डॉ. शैलेंद्र गायकवाड से मिली जिन्होंने उनकी अनेक कविताओं को खूब सराहा। इस संग्रह में बखान है एक सफर का जो प्रेम, विरह, इंतज़ार, अपेक्षा एवं ज्ञान से भरपूर है। नवरसों का उपयोग काफी मात्रा में किया गया है। कविताओं में मार्मिकता है जो आजकल कम पढ़ने मिलती है। इनकी कविताएँ विविध दृष्टिकोणों को दर्शाती हैं। प्रकृति और उसके अनेक हिस्सों का भी प्रयोग इनमें किया गया है। अंग्रेज़ी कविता संग्रह के पशच्यात हिंदी काव्य जगत में ’सफरनामा’ जान्हवी का प्रथम पद है।. My Take: Safarnama is a book that has a beautiful and heart-touching collection of 69 poetries written by poetess Jan

Skeletons by Natalie Rodriguez.

The Blurb: When was the last time you confronted the skeletons in your closest? Immediately following the book one Elephant, Matthew "Matty" Smith awakens from his coma and discovers that his worst nightmare is all true: his grandmother, Jamie, and Derek have gone missing, and his mother murdered his father and grandfather years ago. With the hospital placing him on lockdown, including no visitation rights by his loved ones such as his best friend, Lisa, Matty finds himself deteriorating into a state of the abyss, consumed with the secrets of his family. Convinced that it was the 'stranger' who kidnapped his grandmother and friends, no one believes him. The hospital only believes that Matty is slipping into a toxic mental state, repeating the cycle of his family. Until one day, Lisa helps Matty escape the hospital. On the run from Dr. Brown, Officer Barry, and the town of La Crosse, Wisconsin, Matty and Lisa set off to find their friends and Lucia and for answers on w

Elephant by Natalie Rodrigues

The Blurb: When was the last time you were shut down for experiencing a mental health struggle or feeling unheard by others, including those closest to you? Summer of 2006. Four childhood best friends. A family secret. After a strange encounter leaves him hospitalized, a timid teenage boy named Matt "Matty" Smith comes home to a continuous series of events met with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Under the guardianship of his grandma, Lucia, Matt lives with unspoken questions about his grandfather and parents. The elephant in the room. As Matt develops over the summer, the secrets only grow more profound and complex. Will the answers ever come? While searching for answers, Matt and his three childhood best friends encounter the meanings of love, forgiveness, and fate. This story is for those who feel their voice is unheard and for children, teenagers, and the adult who never had the chance to heal from their pain. My Take: 'Elephant' is the 1st book written by author N

Calcutta A University of Life by Sumant Barooah.

The Blurb: Calcutta~ before being named a ‘City of Joy’It was indeed a city that overflowed with joy, compassion, and for many, it was the University of life. It was a forerunner to New York, a city that never sleeps. A City that tutored you the essence of living. It was a city graced with Culture, Education, Religion, Poverty, Love, and empathy along with a splurging Night Life. If you grew up in Calcutta in the 60s,70s, or 80s, you understood the value of Life; And how to live it. My Take: Author Sumant Barooah is back with his new book Calcutta A University of Life which is both mesmerizing and full of passion. Starting with the storyline, I really liked the flow of the book, the way it started with simplicity, the way it ended it was invigorating and throughout maintaining a smooth lucid flow. This book is a bit lengthy but the lucid language kept the flow of reading smooth. The characters are developed perfectly with their personalities different from each other yet powerful on th

Author's Interview with Shakti Ghosal.

First, before we move forward with our Author Interview, I would like to start with an introduction. 1. Could you please introduce yourself to us? I am Shakti Ghosal, the author of the newly published book, 'The Chronicler of the Hooghly and other stories'. A new author of fiction on the block. I currently reside with my wife Sanchita in the city of Kolkata. Together, we are the proud parents of two lovely daughters. Passionate about exploring new places and cultures, I have been a globetrotter. I remain elated by the thought that on this globe, mine is a unique name. Or so Google thinks. You can check this out by typing “Shakti Ghosal”. No, Seriously try it! I use a wide angle narrative style in my writings into which I try to bring my rich global perspective and life experiences. I love to explore relationships within emergent situations. An engineer and a MBA from IIM Bangalore, I have lived close to four decades of corporate life in India and abroad. A professional certifie

My Sleepless Nights: A Story of Victory over Insomnia by Manohar Grandhi.

The Blurb: ✓ Are you struggling with insomnia? ✓ Are you living in anxiety related to sleep? ✓ Are you developing a limiting belief in sleep? ✓ Are you fighting with your brain and feeling shame? ✓ Are you waiting to fall asleep time every night? ✓ Are you spending the entire day thinking about sleep? Hey there! I am Manohar Grandhi I am a software engineer by profession and have struggled for more than a year with all the above points. I have written this book after struggling with insomnia and having sought intensive consultation with IITian turned Psychologist, Speaker, and Coach Karthik. In this book, I have shared my firsthand experiences, struggles, and wins that helped me to turn intrinsic motivation into sustained motivation for reversing insomnia. The methods I suggest in this book are easy yet effective. It worked for me. It is also working for tons of people and it will work for you as well because it is backed by science. The method I suggest in the book in reversing anxiet

The Chronicler of the Hooghly by Shakti Ghosal

The Blurb and About Book: Four stories. Five crucible experiences. As Samir embarks on a sunset cruise on the Hooghly, he meets the enigmatic Chronicler who takes him on a two and a half centuries journey surrounding the curse of a fabled pearl necklace, as mentioned by his dying mother. Spanning between the pandemics of 1919 and 2020, Dipen and Indranil are confronted by tragedies under vastly different societal conditioning and development. As the capital of the British Raj shifts to Delhi in 1912, Junior Clerk Sujit with his wife Bina is forced to migrate. Shanti, born of a forceps delivery gone horribly wrong, comes into their lives. Suffering severe injuries from a gas explosion, Anjan meets Savio who brings him face to face with the private demons from his past. But past demons do have a way to come into one’s present with life-changing consequences. Who is Savio? My Take: The Chronicler of the Hooghly is a debut novel written by the author Shakti Ghosal and it contains four emot

Beyond the horizon with You & Life written by Chandan Sarkar.

The Blurb & About Book: "Some thoughts are kept inside mind, A light drizzle of rain in the rooftop Thunders are smiling here and there, Some thoughts kept inside the clouds, Will come out with rains, Some unknown feelings…. Will flow for the first time." This collection of poems can trigger your emotions, creating a series of abstract thoughts relating to our daily lives, sufferings, disappointments to inner-peace, and mindfulness. The secret thoughts which are heaped inside the mind, will come and flow out of you when you read through them. My Take: Beyond the horizon with You & Life is a debut and newly launched book written by poet Chandan Sarkar and this book will warm your heart. This book has a collection of 33 heart-touching, full of compassion poetries. I have always loved reading poems and the book like this is what keeps me inspired, amazed and interested. Poet Chandan Sarkar has written each poem soulfully and with love. I liked that each poem touches some