The Storyteller by Sana Rose.
The Blurb: You can sleep through the world, but not through yourself. A childhood incident she can’t recollect… A haunting nightmare that jolts her out of sleep… For Zara, knowing is suffering. Cocooned in the shell she has built around herself, life is all about bare survival until one day she gets an email from The Storyteller… Zara is hooked by his words and hungry for more. But, to her horror, she learns he knows more about her than she thought. When her step-cousin Zachariah lands after eight years, reviving bittersweet memories, Zara must face her worst demons. Who is The Storyteller? What does he want from her? What is she afraid of? And why didn’t her mother protect her from the devastating truth about herself? The Storyteller is a poignant narrative, exploring childhood trauma and the battle of a young woman caught between PTSD and high-functioning normalcy, intertwined with a tale of love, loss, grief, betrayal, pain, and survival. The Story: The story starts up wi...