The Keepers of Lightning Brain by Cliff Ratza.
About Book “Get set for the best ever up-close and in-person tour of the Grand Canyon.” Those words spoken by Hud Haller are the first line of chapter one. Minutes later, a two-helicopter collision plummets him and everyone aboard to their deaths. Now there is only one member of Electra Kittner’s “Keepers Group” still alive: Su-Lin Song Chou, who is ninety-plus and in failing health. She hasn’t a clue what to do to keep the memory or hope alive for Electra. But one entity does: Indira, the Singularity Electra created. Follow the suspense-filled action as Indira activates four novice Keepers who get to know themselves and each other better as they embark on an astounding rescue mission for which they understand little and even less about potentially deadly consequences. But if they are successful, not only will they bring Electra back but each will reach an epiphany that may point the way forward. Are they successful? Please read on to find out! My Take: The Keepers of Lightning Brain b...