
Showing posts from March, 2021

Author's Interview with Shakti Ghosal.

First, before we move forward with our Author Interview, I would like to start with an introduction. 1. Could you please introduce yourself to us? I am Shakti Ghosal, the author of the newly published book, 'The Chronicler of the Hooghly and other stories'. A new author of fiction on the block. I currently reside with my wife Sanchita in the city of Kolkata. Together, we are the proud parents of two lovely daughters. Passionate about exploring new places and cultures, I have been a globetrotter. I remain elated by the thought that on this globe, mine is a unique name. Or so Google thinks. You can check this out by typing “Shakti Ghosal”. No, Seriously try it! I use a wide angle narrative style in my writings into which I try to bring my rich global perspective and life experiences. I love to explore relationships within emergent situations. An engineer and a MBA from IIM Bangalore, I have lived close to four decades of corporate life in India and abroad. A professional certifie

My Sleepless Nights: A Story of Victory over Insomnia by Manohar Grandhi.

The Blurb: ✓ Are you struggling with insomnia? ✓ Are you living in anxiety related to sleep? ✓ Are you developing a limiting belief in sleep? ✓ Are you fighting with your brain and feeling shame? ✓ Are you waiting to fall asleep time every night? ✓ Are you spending the entire day thinking about sleep? Hey there! I am Manohar Grandhi I am a software engineer by profession and have struggled for more than a year with all the above points. I have written this book after struggling with insomnia and having sought intensive consultation with IITian turned Psychologist, Speaker, and Coach Karthik. In this book, I have shared my firsthand experiences, struggles, and wins that helped me to turn intrinsic motivation into sustained motivation for reversing insomnia. The methods I suggest in this book are easy yet effective. It worked for me. It is also working for tons of people and it will work for you as well because it is backed by science. The method I suggest in the book in reversing anxiet

The Chronicler of the Hooghly by Shakti Ghosal

The Blurb and About Book: Four stories. Five crucible experiences. As Samir embarks on a sunset cruise on the Hooghly, he meets the enigmatic Chronicler who takes him on a two and a half centuries journey surrounding the curse of a fabled pearl necklace, as mentioned by his dying mother. Spanning between the pandemics of 1919 and 2020, Dipen and Indranil are confronted by tragedies under vastly different societal conditioning and development. As the capital of the British Raj shifts to Delhi in 1912, Junior Clerk Sujit with his wife Bina is forced to migrate. Shanti, born of a forceps delivery gone horribly wrong, comes into their lives. Suffering severe injuries from a gas explosion, Anjan meets Savio who brings him face to face with the private demons from his past. But past demons do have a way to come into one’s present with life-changing consequences. Who is Savio? My Take: The Chronicler of the Hooghly is a debut novel written by the author Shakti Ghosal and it contains four emot

Beyond the horizon with You & Life written by Chandan Sarkar.

The Blurb & About Book: "Some thoughts are kept inside mind, A light drizzle of rain in the rooftop Thunders are smiling here and there, Some thoughts kept inside the clouds, Will come out with rains, Some unknown feelings…. Will flow for the first time." This collection of poems can trigger your emotions, creating a series of abstract thoughts relating to our daily lives, sufferings, disappointments to inner-peace, and mindfulness. The secret thoughts which are heaped inside the mind, will come and flow out of you when you read through them. My Take: Beyond the horizon with You & Life is a debut and newly launched book written by poet Chandan Sarkar and this book will warm your heart. This book has a collection of 33 heart-touching, full of compassion poetries. I have always loved reading poems and the book like this is what keeps me inspired, amazed and interested. Poet Chandan Sarkar has written each poem soulfully and with love. I liked that each poem touches some

Aksara Bhagavad Gita: Imperishable Bhagavad Gita by Ravindra Rao.

The Blurb: How were the rules framed? They were framed based on the parameters. How was Parameter identified and on what authority? Parameters were identified based on the attributes of the Gita. The authority too is derived from God/Gita. Isn’t the identification process obsolete and unscientific? There isn’t anything more scientific than the Gita. Just see the explosion of Artificial intelligence applications, be it Drones, Siri, Echo, or Robots. They are all non-human but endowed with intelligence. My Take: Aksara Bhagavad Gita: Imperishable Bhagavad Gita is the new book written by the author Ravindra Rao and it's one of those books that will inspire and amaze you at the same time. Though it's a long book and it may take a while to finish it but once you start reading it you will realize the depth and meaning of every chapter and every word that the author has written, is just incredible to read. I like the new approach given to the Bhagvat Geeta, a new and lucid way of writ

Author's Interview with Dr. Deepti Priya.

First, before we move forward with our Author Interview, I would like to start with an introduction. 1. Could you please introduce yourself to us? I am Deepti Priya, I come from Darbhanga Bihar and currently living in Bangalore. I hold a PhD degree in psychology and have been working as a psychologist since 15 years. I have worked with several hundreds of people needing psychological interventions. My approach of psychotherapy is to blend conventional practices of psychology together with energy healing. Beyond working as a psychologist, I have published 3 books as an author and contributed for 2 additional books, a chapter in each. 2. Congratulations on your book. So what inspired you to write this book? Thank you so much. As a psychologist I have worked with many different cases, it includes cases of learning difficulties, developmental difficulties, all kinds of abuses, low self-esteem, depression, narcissism, etc. Usually, at a time I work with only 3 or 4 people. In my experience,

Musafir Hain Yaaro : Manzil ki talaash hai by Aasrin Hussain.

The Blurb: हम पैदा क्यूँ होते हैं? और फिर मर क्यों जाते हैं ? इसी तरह के कई सवालों के साथ हम बड़े होते हैं , जीते हैं और फिर वक्त आने पर एक दिन मर जाते हैं किसी को जीते जी ही इन सब सवालों का जवाब मिल जाता है और कुछ लोग अपनी जिंदगी और इस universe के मतलब को जानने के लिए struggle करते रह जाते हैं| इसी के साथ हमारे जेहन में और भी कई सवाल उठते हैं , जेसे इस स्मार्ट वर्ल्ड में हमारी existence क्या मायने रखती है ? आखिर हमारी ज़िन्दगी का मकसद क्या है ? हाँ मकसद .., वही मकसद जो ज़िन्दगी को असल मायने में जिंदगी कहलवाते हैं | वही मकसद जो जीने की वजह होते हैं| वो मकसद जो इन्सान को उसके वजूद की पहचान करवाते हैं| लेकिन उसके लिए हमे हमारा सही मकसद पहचानना जरूरी है| और यही एक काम तो है जो सबसे मुश्किल लगता है| आखिर क्या होता है , जिंदगी का मकसद ? और केसे पहचाना जाता है ये ? मेरी नजर में दुनिया में जन्म लेने वाला हर इन्सान चाहे वो किसी भी जात से हो धर्म से हो या वर्ग से हो , किसी न किसी मकसद के साथ पैदा होता है| चाहे वो किसी को राह दिखाने के लिए पैदा हो या चाहे किसी को कुए से बाहर निकालने के लिए और चाहे