The Blue Unicorn's Journey To Osm By Sybrina Durant
The Blurb: A unicorn fairy-tale from the unicorn's point of view. "Durant’s story is slyly whimsical as she builds up the world of Marbryn, a world where there are many wonders, but also threats to the existence of Blue’s tribe." - Jack Magnus From Reader's Favorite. "The Blue Unicorn…reads like old time fairy tales…where life and death choices are made…" - From Fundinmental As The Eyes See It Blog Everybody loves unicorns! OK maybe they don't but for those who do, they will love this story about a little unicorn who was born into a tribe of magical, metal horned unicorns. The little guy has no magic and he has no metal but somehow he must save the tribe from an evil sorcerer. The Story: The story is a Unicorn Fairy-tale, a journey for becoming more. It’s a story about the metal-horned unicorn tribe that live in Marbryn. Before the birth of Blue, it was foretold that this unicorn will be the savior of the tribe, a savior from t