Scrapbook of an Unfound Songstress by Vicky Nolan.

The Blurb: 

You’re a 15-year-old schoolgirl who has big dreams of becoming a pop star, and then one day you get your lucky break. Polydor records sends you to Copenhagen to make pop music - to make you a recording artist. You get back home and your future is looking brighter than ever – until the High Court writ hits the doormat – you’ve fallen out with your management and they have decided to sue. No, this isn’t a dream, this is now Vicky Nolan’s reality and fast becoming a nightmare, and all while still at school at the sweet age of sixteen.

Read about the trial, the family, Hollywood, London town, the glamour, the dog (eh?), and most importantly, the music. Curiouser and curiouser?

We always talk about ‘making it’ and fulfilling your dreams. The question is, what if you don’t? What happens next? Ultimately, this book speaks about life and family; its hopes and disappointments, Its ups and downs. Scrapbook of an Unfound Songstress is in some way a story that speaks to us all because, in the end, the best stories are always true.

“I’m living my life as a consequence of yesterday.
And all of my choices compliment my life today.
There may have been times I could have gone and lost my way,
I could have, I would have, I should have, I don’t care – I’m here now.”

The Story: 

The story starts with a 15-year-old girl Vicky traveling with her father and music manager to Copenhagen to record songs with Dekay music. 

A dream of becoming a pop star and full of energy Vicky was doing her best, not to show her nervousness and she was doing effortlessly. Soon they met with the three young producers of Dekay Music, in their mid 20s, and full of confidence and enthusiasm Vicky is ready to record some songs. Later Vicky reaching the studio and record songs during her stay.

The story continues to Vicky being sued by a music company. The story also moves in the past, from her childhood and from where her passion for singing started to 1st recording. From legal aid to a courtroom trial. From music career to answering questions to judge. The story turns into a completely amazing story with a twist and turns a bit of suspense and lots of music quotes and poems. 

So why is a 16-year-old sued for? Will Vicky overcome this and achieve her dreams? What is the story about?

My Take: 

Scrapbook of an Unfound Songstress is the debut novel written by Vicky Nolan and it is full of dreams, passion, and drama at the same time. 

I always wanted to be a pop star and being a 90s kid, it was then where every teenage dream was to become a popstar and after reading this it reminded me of my childhood days.

The author Vicky Nolan has written this book with creativity and with inspiration.

While reading I felt the passion of the author in both music and literature. The way she has described and written about the music and the knowledge about it, it shows her passion for both because it's done smoothly and perfectly. 

The highlight of the book is the storyline, as it is filled with teenage dreams, passion, drama, suspense, traveling, new experiences, seeing the world with a new vision, stepping towards adulthood, the book has it all. 

I also liked the poems, lyrics of the song & quotes written in this book, that refreshed my mind. The book is written in simple English and with the flow which made it easy to connect to the book. 

Authors thought 
We all get to where we want to go.. sometimes it’s not always the quickest or the path we thought.

We all have to keep going and we will reach where we want to be when we are ready.
Also, you can listen to some of the songs whose lyrics are mentioned in this book on the Youtube channel of the author. Click on the song name to listen now. Chapter 1 Look out of your window. Chapter 11 Human. Chapter 15 Here Now.

Click here to subscribe to the author Vicky Nolen youtube channel now and listen to her new and addictive music. 

Overall a full of passion and a marvelous read. So click here and read now the book Scrapbook of an Unfound Songstress by Vicky Nolan.


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