Being Bipolar by Amir V.

The Blurb & About Book: 

"A Journey of an Unstable Mind

Walkthrough the poetic journey of an unstable mind with Being Bipolar. The curvy roads go through the chaotic distress of a poet with an identity crisis, questions in love, and moving to the symphony of hard-metal music. The journey is filled with self-loathing, inside a dark pit, and battling with mental illness. The poems capture the dark side of depression, suicidal tendencies, bipolar disorder, OCD, and other pressing matters related to mental illness. Read along to know how the poet tackles these obstacles in his journey to find the light."

My Take: 

Being Bipolar is the debut book written by the poet Amir V. The is has 5 chapters which consist of a total of 30 heart touching poems. 

The book starts with a prologue and from the first poem itself, it creates a strong poetic vibe that will just amaze you. 

I always enjoy reading poems, whenever I feel emotions are overpowering me I read them and today after reading these collections of poems written by poet Amir V, I m just stunned and beyond amazed. Some of the favorite poems are below, these poems made me feel connected and I loved how the transition happened through all these poems.

1. Why do I write
2. Identity 
3. Why do you Hate 
4. Dear Darkness 
5. I will be at peace.

Overall a heart touching and must-read book that is full of emotions. Click here and read now Being Bipolar by Amir V.


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