Awake by Jonathan Alder

The Blurb: 

Death is no more. War, famine, and disease are gone. Earth is a paradise. But not everyone lives on Earth.  

On a distant planet, the Sandigan regime struggles to survive in wake of the Last War. Their goal: to revive their dead leader and return to Earth. One unsuspecting programmer on Earth can help.

James Hawthorn is a socially detached researcher working for weLive, the company responsible for ending death. Because of DNA complications, billions of people—like James’ mother—were never revived. To solve this, James develops a new revival method, but his research is threatened when a network hack targets him.

Caught between reviving his mother and allowing his work to fall into enemy hands, James must confront the implications of his research before the Sandigan exploits it to begin a new war.

My Take: 

Awake is the debut novel written by Jonathan Alder and it’s one of those books that will make you feel like you are watching a movie. 

I liked the way the chapter starts with transcription like, informing time and location which makes the book unique and gives it a futuristic touch. The storyline of the book is very intriguing and full of action and adventure, that will surely excite you as you read. 

The author Jonathan Alder has described everything chapter and characters with the minor details and with full of creativity that will not only take you to a new world but will also make you feel completely lost in it. The author Jonathan Alder has penned down his creativity and imagination in an impressively engaging. 

The highlight of the book is no doubt the storyline that I think will make a great movie.  Also, the chapters are described amazingly making the book perfect and imaginative. 

Overall a must-read book that will amaze you beyond this world. So click here and read now Awake by Jonathan Alder. 


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