Breaking up with Stress: Stress Management Techniques by Parushi Kalra.

The Blurb: 

Discovering Peace Through Simple And Effective Stress Management Techniques.

“Breaking up with Stress” is a quick read that lays out simple and effective ways to deal with everyday’s stress in your life. It follows a sequential pattern, beginning with familiarizing you with the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of stress, moving on to acknowledging and processing your stress, then taking steps to deal with it and ultimately forming healthy habits to keep yourself from stressors that could become an obstacle in your path to happiness.

This self-help book is somewhat anecdotal; it is written after delving into the experiences of the author’s self and also the people around. It explains how merely making minor changes in your thinking patterns can do wonders in your life.

The book hopes to inspire many and bring about a change in people’s lives in small, easy-peasy ways!

About Book: 

The book is a self-help book that will help you to deal with stress. The book starts with an example of Farah, a newly motherhood stress got the best of her and she couldn't stop stressing, later the book continues starting with the explanation of stress and than the start of it, its effects and solution. 

The Book will also tell you how to deal with it and a few tips to avoid stressing. The book also covers topics like 'The Science of Stress' 'Why managing stress is important?' along with situations as an example. 

So are you constantly stressing out over little things? Or having insomnia or headaches? 

My Take: 

Breaking up with Stress: Stress Management Techniques is the debut book written by the author Parushi Kalra and its the most effective and must have self-help book. 

The author Parushi Kalra has described the specific area of stressing deliberately with full of information which makes it a perfect book for self & mental improvement. 

The writing style of author Parushi Kalra is very informative and has provided a unique direction for readers. 

The highlight of the book is that it's short but accurate and on the point of the topics. There weren't any difficult words, so it wasn't confusing to read and understand. The tips and information given seemed like verified facts along with the authentic examples, and it did make complete sense. Also, It's a book that will not only help you with stress but will make you live your life a lot more relaxed. 

Overall an incredible read. So if you are dealing with stress or you see someone that is constantly having mood swings the best thing to do is gift them this short very helpful book. So click here and read now Breaking up with Stress: Stress Management Techniques by Parushi Kalra. 


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