To Guard with Love by Roberta Bombonato

The Blurb: 

A puppy is cute. A puppy is a laughter. A puppy is a joy. Simone needed the unconditional love only Enomis could provide to alleviate the constant heartache, pain, and fear permeating her life. How can a puppy save a woman from an abusive relationship and help her find the right kind of love? With heart. 

My Take:

To Guard with Love written by Roberta Bombonato is 3rd book I'm reading of the author and yet again I'm just speechless with her creativity.

A very unique book I have ever read. The book is written by the perspective of a dog narrating about his life and the human friend Simone

The story starts from a labrador dog name Enomis introducing himself and narrating about his life, where he first lived before meeting his now owner Simone. How he first met Simone, a beautiful girl with a vanilla scent. 

The dialogue between characters, the storyline, the narrative everything is in a smooth flow and lucid language. By now I'm convinced that the author Roberta Bombonato is a professional writer and can capture anyone's attention by her writing skills. I'm not only impressed but also mesmerized.

Coming back to the story, I just loved the story. It's enjoyable and loved the small details that the author Roberta Bombonato has described beautifully, like when the dog says "I growled and wished I could bite him. Simone smoothed down my hackled fur." it made me smile. There are many more such scenes that will make you aww and will bring smile on your face. A well-crafted book.

The highlight of the book is that, even though the story is written by the perspective of a dog, but the author has described human characters perfectly and expressed emotions gracefully. The story is a blend of love, friendship, the struggle of life, care, affection. And if you start to read the first page I'm sure you won't stop until you have finished reading.

Overall, a very unique and amazing book with impressive writing skills. I will definitely recommend others to read this book or gift this to your loved one with a pet. Click here and read now the book To Guard with Love written by Roberta Bombonato.


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