The Last War: & Other Stories by Sambit Daspatnaik

The Blurb:

The year was 2080 BCE… The epic Mahabharata war that was fought thousands of years ago between the Pandavas and the Kauravas was thought to be the last. But generations later, everyone was mistaken. The descendants of the Pandavas and the Kauravas (Pauravas) faced a mammoth invasion by the Gandharvas. The Pauravas had to face new geographical and political challenges to save the land of Bharata (Ancient India). New lessons were learned, old secrets were unveiled and new allies were made. Would the Pauravas be able to save the city of Moenjo and Hariapa? Would the Ancient Aliens (the sky Gods) really come to their rescue? Read on to know more in the story "The Last War".

Can we really rely on an extra-terrestrial object as the source of unlimited power? What would be the repercussion? Read on to know more in the story "Genesis".

A team of researchers went to an alien planet that was inhabited by humanoid species. However, they were faced by an imminent danger. Would Captain Hari get an answer to the imminent threat that lies ahead for his crew? A spiritual journey awaits you in an alien planet in the story "The Holy Temple of Eula".

Anna hated her eyes. But what you think as a curse can turn out to be a blessing in a blink of an eye. Explore the space travel through Anna's eyes in the story "BLINK".

What if our Sun was on the verge of extinction? And what if we could resurrect our dying star? Read on to know more in the story "Resurrection".

Sambit Daspatnaik offers a collection of Science Fiction stories and fantasies to trigger your mind to explore the unexplored and to ask What If!

The Story: 

The book contains 5 interesting stories, of which "The Last War" is the main story and rest are short stories. 

The Last War, fought between the Pauravas and the Gandharvas. The story revolves mainly around Agrasena the head of the Army, princess Charulata and other characters. It's easy to fight an army of soldiers but not if they are powered with magic. Agrasena had never encountered with such an enemy before (the "Mayavis") and the first battle was lost. But to regain what was theirs, Agrasena needed to learn the magical techniques himself to save his kingdom from the evil invaders. So how does Agrasena learn the magical ways of the mayavis? What happens at the end of the last war? Are sky Gods really just aliens that visit our planet only when needed?

Story 2 Genesis, a short story on an object with unlimited power. 

Story 3 The Holy Temple of Eula, A team of scientists from earth traveled to an alien planet where humanoid species lived, only to find later that there were deaths due to a disease that not only took the life of aliens but also of our researchers. Captain Hari goes to his extreme length to not only help his fellow crew members but also the Aliens themselves. How will he do that? Will he be able to succeed in doing so?

Story 4 Blink, In an Accident Anna lost her eyes and got eyes transplanted which made her see again, but she hated her eyes. During the space patrolling with her crew, they faced imminent danger, with an alien that no one could see except Anna, So will she defeat this invisible alien and save her team?

Story 5 Resurrection, What if the sun dies? and what if we had a way to resurrect the star again? Will it restore the solar system as we know or will it change to something else? 

My Take: 

As I read the story The Last war, I said, Yesss Finally I found someone that too thinks that maybe Gods are Aliens visiting our planet Earth from time to time and there are laws in the universe that govern the extent to which they can interfere with human civilizations ;) 

Author Sambit Daspatnaik has written stories in a very detailed way and must say has a very vivid imagination and a keen eye to details. Writing about war can be easy but writing with Aliens and their technologies and keeping in mind about our real world, it takes hard work and a great deal of patience. And you can see the hard work by reading the stories. I liked the way the author has described new technologies beyond our imaginations and how characters reacted when they first saw it. I like the part when the author says the Sky gods are aliens and there are laws that prevents them to use their powers on earth.

Overall this book is filled with a lot of imaginations and yet you can feel deep down that yes it can happen. I loved the realistic touch to the stories and would recommend everyone to read it. So click on the link and read your self "The Last War"....... will the sky god help us?:


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