Letters by Zachary Ryan

The Blurb: 

He moved from Maryland to Chicago to find himself. But Chase never expected to fall in love with someone who would change his life. A twenty something lost in a haze of booze and tattoos, Chase had always questioned his sexuality—but in Brady he finally found someone he could truly care about.

After a passionate night of exploration, Chase begins to envision a relationship and a future with Brady—who can’t admit his true feelings to his girlfriend and family and would rather pretend it never happened.

While Brady struggles with his own identity, Chase must learn to accept that the man he loves may not be able to love him in return—a realization that sends him down a spiral of drinking, drugs, and self-destructive behavior. But when it comes to winning someone over, is enough ever truly enough?

As Letters twists and turns toward its inevitable conclusion, this complex modern love story explores issues of sexuality, self-acceptance, and coming-of-age through an intimate series of notes written by Chase to the man who would alter his life forever, for better or for worse.

The Story:

The Book Letters is a love story of two different people who are trying to fit in this world. The story is written in the form of letters. Chase a 23-year-old boy that moved from Maryland to Chicago to figure out his life and to explore his sexuality and everything he ever dreamed of. Here he met Argon and Donny, with whom he hooked up but was never truly felt connected until he meets Brady, the love of his life. Brady a confused soul who is afraid to admit to the world about his love for Chase, and can't even tell his girlfriend or family about it or accept his true self. So the story is actually letters written by Chase to Brady, explaining to him his love and all the thing he did and all the things he wished Brady could have done. So will Brady read all these letters? What happens to Chase's love story? Will Brady ever accept his true self? My Take: I found this book very interesting and heart touching. Though it did seem a bit sad love story for me but was indeed written beautifully and I found myself lost in words that made me cry too. Love is never easy and it has never been easy. This story is about the same complicated love with a great example of true friendship. Every character mentioned seems realistic and had their own way of living. I also felt like this book was written mostly based on true events than imagination. This is the second book that I m reading of the Author Zachary Ryan. And must say I'm just as happy to read this, as I was when I read the first book Thirst Trap.
 Overall it's the best emotional book that I have ever read with twists and turns of never-ending love. Exploring sexuality and self-accepting may not be easy as it may sound. So click on the link read your self the love letters written by Chase to his only love Brady:  https://amzn.to/2S9BIpv


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