Buddha’s Cat by Wayne Lee.

Buddha’s Cat by Wayne Lee.
My Take:

Have you ever found solace in the presence of animals, feeling their silent wisdom speak to your soul? 

Buddha’s Cat by Santa Fe, NM poet and teacher Wayne Lee invites you on a journey that explores and celebrates our deep connections with both domestic companions and wild creatures.

What makes this book truly special is Lee’s ability to weave profound insights into the fabric of everyday encounters with animals. 

Here are a few reasons I loved this must-read book:

• Soulful poetry: Each poem resonates with heartfelt emotions and a deep understanding of the animal kingdom.

• Versatile themes: From tender tributes to beloved pets to poignant reflections on human-animal relationships, the poems cover a wide spectrum of emotions.

• Poignant elegies: The author pays tribute to animals lost to cruelty and the encroachments of human civilization, reminding us of our responsibility towards all living beings.

• Humor and compassion: There’s a delightful blend of humor and compassion in the portrayal of animal behaviors, making the poems both entertaining and enlightening.

• Accessible language: Written in a lucid and engaging style, the poems are accessible to readers of all backgrounds, inviting them to reflect on their own connections with animals.

The collection opens with “Buddha’s Cat,” a poem that is not only inspiring but also profoundly beautiful. Poems like “I Know a Dog Who Thinks He is a Man” and “Beach Dog” are crafted with exquisite beauty, each line a testament to the author's writing skills and deep connection with the animal world. 

Overall, his book is not just a collection of poems; it’s a heartfelt exploration of the bonds that tie us to the animal world. 

Click here to order your copy and enter into a soulful universe in Buddha’s Cat, the wonderful new offering by Wayne Lee.


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