Author's Interview with Martin Tracey.
First, before we move forward with our Author's Interview, I would like to start with an introduction.
1. Could you please introduce yourself to us?
My name is Martin Tracey and I'm a multi-functional author of both fiction and non-fiction spanning topics as diverse as conspiracy theories, crime, football, music, memoirs, thrillers and the paranormal. This can never be an exhaustive list for me as I like to think of myself as versatile writer and one who is pretty much game to tackle any topic! Besides, my wild imagination would never allow me to do anything else! In general terms, I like to think that my fiction pushes the boundaries of reality and my non-fiction showcases the fascinating stories of other inspirators.
I felt very privileged to write introductions for the En Scene Duran Duran Photo Book series and I'm currently working on two separate biographies of famous artists. However, this interview focusses on my fictional Judd Stone series and I'm very grateful to Rakhi for giving me the opportunity to discuss a fictional character that has served me so well and has been fun to write about.
2. Congratulations on your book. So what inspired you to write this book?
MIND GUERRILLA (Book 1 in the Judd Stone series): I felt that I wanted to throw my hat into the crime fiction ring so that was the basic premise of Mind Guerrilla. I really like Peter James's Roy Grace series, which was an inspiration to some degree, but Judd Stone is very different to Roy Grace.
In actual fact Judd was meant to be a foil character to DCI William Chamberlain (although they are big buddies) and I had intended for Chamberlain to be the main protagonist, but readers really connected with Judd! So the Judd Stone series kind of began by accident.
I like to write about topics that fascinate me and so I introduced three topics all at once which was pretty ambitious I guess: serial killers, religious cults and the concept of mind control. CLUB 27 (Book 2 in the Judd Stone series): As I said in my answer regarding Mind Guerrilla, I like to write about topics that fascinate me, and the 27 club has fascinated me for years. I find it very sad but intriguing that so many popular artists seem to die at the same age i.e 27.
The list includes the talent of Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Brian Jones, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse and the man who many think as the original 'member' of the 27 club, Blues guitarist Robert Johnson - who is rumoured to have sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for fame and talent. So I used Judd as a vehicle to explore several theories as to why this tragedy should keep happening, whilst giving him the task of becoming a bodyguard to a 26-year-old pop star who was heading straight to becoming the next unfortunate member.
LUNAR (Book 3 in the Judd Stone series): By the time we get to book 3, Judd has broken so many rules as a cop that he has needed to become a private detective so that he can play by his own rules. I live close to a derelict stately home which has a lot of history connected to it, especially the Lunar Society who were a group of enlightened men who pioneered much of the Industrial Revolution.
I came up with the idea of unearthing an age-old murder at the house and it becomes a cold case that Judd needs to try and solve by undertaking past-life regressions. DOUBLE FANTASY (Book 4 in the Judd Stone series): In this book Judd gets mixed up in two very different worlds: gangsters and witchcraft.
I knew of some legends that belonged to the countryside of the North West of England so I weaved a story around them to give Judd his next set of challenges. Also in this book we can see my love for Liverpool, The Beatles and 1980s music cut through the plot.
3. What is the book all about?
As in answer 2.
4. Why did you choose this genre for your book?
Crime and the supernatural are the sort of books that I like to read, so it made sense to write a series of books which features both of these things with a whole heap of music thrown in too.
5. How much time did it take to complete this book?
Each book on average tends to take me 1 to 2 years.
6. What makes your Book Special?
I think it's for others to declare if my book is special, but I do hope that my willingness to tackle a diverse range of subjects, coupled with a very flawed but lovable anti-hero in Judd Stone, brings some sense of originality to my stories. There's no other cop or PI like him!
7. When is your second book coming?
I'm writing the fifth and sixth books in the Judd Stone series simultaneously, but I think that book 5 wont be available for perhaps another 12 months due to the releases of the two biographies that I'm currently working on.
8. While writing did you get any writer's block? What is the Tip that you will give others who are facing writer's block?
I'm very fortunate that I don't tend to get writer's block, but my tip would be not to panic, not to force anything, and change your environment, maybe go outdoors and wait patiently for your mojo to return.
9. What are your other hobbies besides being a talented author?
I like to watch football and listen to music, especially The Beatles. I also like to travel and visit other cities and countries. Often the places I visit end up in my stories. Amsterdam and Prague featured in Lunar because of me visiting them.
10. Last but not the least, How did you feel, while giving this interview?
I feel great that I've been able to talk about my Judd Stone series. Thank you for the opportunity.
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