Author's Interview With Ruth Easterling

Author's Interview With Ruth Easterling

First, before we move forward with our Author's Interview, I would like to start with an introduction. 

1. Could you please introduce yourself to us? 

Hi, I'm Ruth Easterling and I'm an author. A first time author to be specific. I'm also an introvert and married.

2. Congratulations on your book. So what inspired you to write this book?

I wanted something to do with grief and losing a baby, something that I went through myself. I just wanted to show the mother's who lost their babies that there's still magic out there, even if it's within ourselves. 

3. What is the book all about? 

Sloane Warwick is a 26 year grieving woman dealing with the loss of her baby girl that she lost at 25 weeks along her pregnancy. She just wants to sleep and grieve but is thrown into another world when a villain by the name of Claude kills her husband mere days after a mysterious stranger hands her a note and a key stating she would know what to do with the key. The mysterious stranger, Grayson, saves her from Claude, and is an ally and helps her navigates his world along with another, Ella, who helps her develops her gifts. Claude is furious and needs the key as well as Sloane to open the portal to Hell so he could rule his world as well as Sloane’s . But with Grayson, Ella and a dragon by her side she is able to stand up and fight despite the depression and grief. She has no other choice if she wants her world as well as Grayson’s to be free of Claude’s evil plans. 

4. Why did you choose this genre for your book? 

I have always wanted to try my hand at fantasy. I grew up reading fantasy and horror. But I don't think I could write horror. Fantasy is more my thing, I think. Plus I read a lot more fantasy in general.

5. How much time did it take to complete this book?

About a year and with editing a bit longer.

6. What makes your Book Special? 

I am not sure if anything makes it special. The connection that Sloane makes, new friends and how she deals with her depression just makes her human. 

7. When is your second book coming?

Hopefully soon. I'm currently writing it right now and I send whatever is completed to my editor. So maybe in the fall.

8. While writing did you get any writer's block? What is the Tip that you will give others who are facing writer's block?

I did get writers block. I worked on my poetry for awhile and read other books to get my creative juices flowing again. 

9. What are your other hobbies besides being a talented author?

Reading, obviously writing, cooking/baking, photography 

10. Last but not the least, How did you feel, while giving this interview? 

Pretty great. I enjoyed answering these questions!


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