Striker X by Negus Lamont.

The Blurb: 

In this fast-paced space military action-adventure, one monster-hunting dark elf begins to question everything he knows-and finds himself surrounded by enemies.

He eliminates the monsters that come from the rift. Vex is the third-highest-ranked striker in the Interplanetary Galactic Force, and he’s gaining fast on number two. Every victory, and every progression in rank, comes with upgraded weapons technology and magic defenses.

But after a decade of loyal servitude to the IGF, he’s finding himself at odds with his fellow elves. His shadow fox phenome has begun whispering strange warnings. The monsters he’s hunting are no longer mindless beasts: They’ve somehow grown sentient. And while Vex has always stayed out of politics, he’s beginning to suspect corruption even in his own force. Someone is allying themselves with the cyber realm.

In this high-octane thrill ride with intricate characters, majestic apocalyptic settings, and death around every corner, Vex’s fight for survival hits twist after shocking twist. He might be the only one who can stop a corrupt game world filled with unfathomable enemies.

But it’s the ones closest to you who do you the most harm.

The Story: 

The story starts with an interesting point where the character Vex is telling his part of the story, a striker who is on an unknown planet known as Marda along with his troupe. A group of strikers who are on a mission to kill the mysterious monsters in their galaxy. 

The story continues with the mission to kill the next A-grade monster; a sea hound and it takes all his strength and skill to defeat it. Later the book continues into an amazing, exciting, and a full of adventurous storyline. 

My Take: 

Striker X is the new book written by the author Negus Lamont and it's the most exciting book you will read. 

The story starts with an intriguing way that grasped my attention from the very first page of the book by the end of the 1st chapter the storyline just jumped into an action-filled scene that I enjoyed reading. 

The Author Negus Lamont has creatively and artistically written the plot in a way that I felt was very imaginative, as I, myself felt was in Outerspace with unknown species. 

The Author Negus Lamont has developed each character in a unique and fascinating way that will make you admire and like them. 

The highlight of the book is the concept of the story which is very unique and adventurous and very professionally written. 
Also, the story is filled with action, adventure, suspense, friendship, galaxy, missions, military, Outerspace, mystery, mysterious creatures, and species that will truly excite you. 

Overall a fascinating and highly recommended book. So if you enjoy reading action and adventure and want to know the missions for the Outerspace military then click here and read now Striker X by Negus Lamont.


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