God Within You by Rahul Singh.

The Blurb & About Book: 

“You receive positions, luxuries, situations, and eternal happiness, whatever have had attracted you, made you to think about, made you emotional, more than what we wish to attract. God within you makes all the arrangements to accomplish that. Be aware while getting emotional and attracted towards something. That may turn into reality.”

In this book, the author has emphasized the logic behind ‘God within you’, techniques to recognize the fact and then simple processes to awake and raise the God within. Once succeeded, you can command anything to yourself, and the God within you will easily manifest for you.

There are two ways to accomplish your desires:
1.By attracting yourself to such things which already exist with someone; your deep attraction with emotions will send most prominent signals to God within you. Then Inner God gets thoroughly convinced about your desires and makes it accomplished.

2.Another is by attracting them with firm wishes followed by visualization. In this process, we need to awake God within, and then convince hard to God about your desires and preferences. It usually takes a longer time.
In this book, the author has described both processes adequately. The author began with a general conception of God – the linkage of oneself to the universe and its supernatural power. Mind cleanliness processes to awaken the God within, followed by true enlightenment. The author has also mentioned about the linkage between two subconscious minds and how we all are interconnected. Finally, through a deep understanding of the above facts the implementation techniques and methods are being discussed to achieve your desired outcomes.

Believe me, it would be a life-changing experience for you

My Take: 

God Within You is the debut novel written by author Rahul Singh and its the most inspirational and amazing book. 

We all believe in God, and the author Rahul Singh says 70% of the population believes in God. Every religion is different, and every religion has different Gods. So the book continues with the concept of God to the Universe, from having pure and positive thoughts like in our childhood days to clouding our emotions in adulthood, from using the capacity of our mind to meditating for our inner universe, from emotions to healful methods, from beliefs to faith, from communication to the collection, from confidence to struggle of life, from Carona to finding inner peace, this book is a full package of awesomeness and is equally inspiring. 

The highlight of the book is the creative writing style, its so gripping because once you start reading you will not be able to stop until you are done reading the book. The author Rahul Singh has done a great deal of research for this book and you can see his passion through his writing skills. 

With this book, the author Rahul Singh is not only helping us to gain positivity but is also spreading awareness on topics like meditation, positivity, gain confidence, how to be happy, and many more such exciting topics that is very intriguing.

This book is a short read and can be done reading in one seating also the engaging topics are something that will keep you hooked to the book. The smooth flow and continuity even after jumping from one topic to another are just impressive, truly captivating. 

Overall an unique, inspiring, motivating, and intriguing book. A definite read and highly recommended. So click here and read now God Within You the debut novel written by author Rahul Singh.


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