ONCE UPON US By Abhiishek Mohta

The Blurb: 

Arjun Bedi’s college dreams include an education, meeting new friends and hopefully launching a successful music career. With the notes in his soul, he feels the rhythm in his rhymes and the beat of the instruments even when he closes his eyes. When he meets Saatvika Lakhiani, her voice and her form inspire that music and shine through every interaction they have. There is something about her that pulls him and calls to him… an underlying feeling that maybe she is the one who will complete him and be the partner he need. However, sorority princess Abhilasha walks and talks as if Arjun is already hers, a fact that seems surer by the day. While Saatvika is not exactly looking for a relationship, there is something about Arjun that makes her catch her breath – and ensures that a confrontation with Abhilasha is inevitable.

The Story:

The Story starts with Arjun receiving news of his ex-wife Saatvika’s death. He is in shock and soon realizes that he has lost the true love of his life. Sad and ashamed of himself, he just dashed out of the room, leaving his current wife Abhilasha and his children. As he and his ex manager/ best friend Joes reaches Singapore to see her one last time, his wish is not fulfilled as Saatvika’s body was already buried. His ex- mother-law is angry on Arjun. Everyone is because he left her heartbroken. In anger, Saatvika’s mom took Arjun to her room and showed him her obsession for him even after he left her. Seeing that Arjun is sad, and he finds Saatvika’s diary and he starts reading it. So the story started with the first day of college when Saatvika and Arjun met. The story then revolves around Kate, Yamini, Charles & Arjun. Saatvika’s roommate and friend. After Arjun finishes reading a story, Arjun is a changed person. But what's the use? What will happen next? 

My Take:

Starting from the start, I always enjoy college drama and a love story, and just like any love story, Arjun and Saatvika’s was the same magical and beautiful. Author Abhiishek has described the story line and built up of the relationship gracefully. I also like the stories of the other characters, Yamini’s and Kate’s. The friendship between them is simply great and the bound is forever lasting. Sometime when you read a book you get this feeling to never stop reading and ask yourself, what will happen next? I got the same feeling from this book. I enjoyed reading, and it was a fresh reminder of what being in love feels like. The only thing I didn’t like was the part where Arjun slaps his current wife and later at the end of the book his ex-wife. Being a girl, it’s a bit uncomfortable for me to read such things. As it’s not that easy that you slap and just walk out of it, leaving a wife and children. But atlas this is just a fiction and drama so no hard feeling :) 

Overall, I really enjoyed reading the book: Once Upon Us. Click on the link below, to experience and refresh your memory with teen love story: https://www.amazon.in/Once-Upon-Us-Abhiishek-Mohta/dp/1706094582/


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