Generously yours by Inderpreet Uppal

The Story:

‘Love is forever’ or so thought Diya.
Shy, bookish and loving, Diya never thought she would ever need to be anything else.
Her charmed life slips away from her in ways, she never imagined.
Will Viren be able to sort the jumble of their lives or is it already too late?
A bittersweet story of life, longing, and lasting love.

My Take: 

Generously yours is the second book I have read written by the author Inderpreet Uppal, and there is no doubt that she is a talented and gifted writer. Her expert writing skills and her technique which she shared in her last book can be seen here, which really impressed me.

Generously yours is an exquisite story that is short, sweet, relatable, and full of emotions and characters that definitely left a mark. While reading this book I didn’t realize that it’s such a short book, at the start I felt the story is rushed but then at the end, I realized that it was supposed to be this way. Unique and Expressive.

I enjoyed reading it and wouldn’t mind reading more of the same story, hoping the author releases the next book soon.

Overall, simply too good. So grab this book now with a cup of coffee and read now the book Generously yours written by Inderpreet Uppal.

The book is available free for Kindle Unlimited Users.


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