Author's Interview With Avinash Choudhari: 5 Scarecrows of life


First, before we move forward with our Author's Interview, I would like to start with an introduction. 
1. Could you please introduce yourself to us? 
Avinash choudhari is a Modern spiritualist with path breaking concepts on how to simplify life and live it to its full potential. He firmly believes that through effective communication we can align ourselves with the source , life , inner self, society and lead a enriching,  jproductive and harmonious life. He is a trainer, Coach and a Motivational speaker who specializes in improving communication skills to develop better relationships in personal life and improve productivity in professional life. He is a Blogger and his blogs on various different interesting aspects of life are available on below address

2. Congratulations on your book. So what inspired you to write this book?
Over a period of 2 decades of my life I observed there are fears which are real and tangible and others are subjective and creation of collective mind . And the fears which are dumped on us don't help us . I have myself explorered beyond the fears that my parents, elders and in general society has dumped on me and found that all of them are not real . If I would have not explored them and taken them as they were given I would have not experienced the life I am experiencing now .Hence thought yo inspire others to go beyond these fears and enjoy life and our potential to grow in to best version of ourselves

3. What is the book all about? 
The book 5 Scarecrows of life is about unexplored fears that have been dumped on us by society . The book intends to liberate the reader from these standard fears and illusions about them . The books objective is to inspire the reader to explore their fears on their own and don't accept the ready made fears given to them by their parents, teachers, friends , elders and society.

4. Why did you choose this genre for your book? 
I didnt choose . The genre chose me , I am fascinated by the human behaviors and elements that influence these behaviors. We are such a flexible species with infinite potential but we die without exploring our true potential due to many preconcieved notions of life which have been fed to us from childhood . The issue is not all of them serve us all and certainly they have hidden agenda as well to bind us together into a herd and control us and also ensure harmony . So I thought to make individuals aware of their potential and the speed breakers they have accepted and slowed down or stopped. This genre not only engages the reader but also uplifts them.

5. How much time did it take to complete this book?
I competed this book in 2 months though I have been writing the drafts for about 6 to 9 months.

6. What makes your Book Special? 
I wouldn't call it special, instead I would term it as unique just like the human species amongst all the living beings on earth. The book is not knoweldge or wisdom alone it is the path on which i already walked. I have explored the fears of my life and penned down my learnings here . The book opens the eye of the reader and inspires to go beyond their fears and meet their true self and enjoy being the higher version of themselves. I am sure everybody in their own way is grappling to become a better version of themselves and live a life which is grand and worth experiencing. The book will aid in this human quest .

7. When is your second book coming?
Next book will be ready for publishing in June 2023

8. While writing did you get any writer's block? What is the Tip that you will give others who are facing writer's block?
Basically I have always written when I wa in flow and didn't force myself into writing it . Writers block is a event when you are zoned out of the theme of the book. I would suggest writers to choose a topic in which you are passionately invested and don't force yourself to write on it . Create a world about the theme around it and keep beautifying it and visualise it and stay inside it as much as possible . Keep totems to enter and exit out of the books theme world created by you.

9. What are your other hobbies besides being a talented author?
I am passionate reader , I like listening and creating music . I like to travel and explore places , foods and culture of different places

10. Last but not the least, How did you feel, while giving this interview? 
I am very excited and happy to give this interview. I had always seen famous people giving interviews , this time I am on the other side of the table . It wouldn't have been possible if I wouldn't have explored and overcame the fears dumped on me by society. I want to invite more people to join the other side or table in their chosen fields

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