Aksara Bhagavad Gita: Imperishable Bhagavad Gita by Ravindra Rao.

The Blurb:

How were the rules framed? They were framed based on the parameters. How was Parameter identified and on what authority? Parameters were identified based on the attributes of the Gita. The authority too is derived from God/Gita. Isn’t the identification process obsolete and unscientific? There isn’t anything more scientific than the Gita. Just see the explosion of Artificial intelligence applications, be it Drones, Siri, Echo, or Robots. They are all non-human but endowed with intelligence.

My Take:

Aksara Bhagavad Gita: Imperishable Bhagavad Gita is the new book written by the author Ravindra Rao and it's one of those books that will inspire and amaze you at the same time.

Though it's a long book and it may take a while to finish it but once you start reading it you will realize the depth and meaning of every chapter and every word that the author has written, is just incredible to read.

I like the new approach given to the Bhagvat Geeta, a new and lucid way of writing makes this book fascinating. Also, the author has done a great deal of research and has excellent writing skills, his passion for writing and the efforts put into this book can be seen through his words. 

The highlight of this book is that I found it a pleasant read, the views, the Gods, the analyzation of culture and beliefs, the religion, various aspects, the narration, the mesmerizing characters, the issues, and the solutions, everything is crafted with keeping in mind the minor details and creatively which is intriguing.

Overall it's a unique, interesting, and educating read. So if you are looking for a pleasant and interesting book then click here and read now Aksara Bhagavad Gita: Imperishable Bhagavad Gita written by the author Ravindra Rao. 


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