Author's Interview with Gina Dimichino

Author's Interview with Gina Dimichino
First, before we move forward with our Author's Interview, I would like to start with an introduction. 

1. Could you please introduce yourself to us?

I am Gina Dimichino, a woman who has had various roles throughout my life. I am a wife, mother, and most recently a grandmother, prioritizing my family above all else. With a passion for dance, I spent over 35 years as a Professional Dancer and Dance Instructor, sharing my expertise and love for the art form.

In 2019, I founded Only the Best Products, Inc., a company dedicated to producing all-natural personal care products. As the CEO, I brought my entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to providing high-quality, chemical-free products to the forefront.

I have always loved to write, as a way to process my own feelings. As I became a grandmother I decided to write, from the heart, about my life experiences to leave as a love letter to my grandchildren. As of 2024,  I having written and published six books. My first book, "Sunshine & Moonbeams,” chronicles my journey as a mother raising a blended-brained family. Additionally, I was a contributing author to the #1 Best Selling book series titled "A Journey of Riches: The Power of Healing."

2. Congratulations on your book. So what inspired you to write this book?

My inspiration to write my first book was my experiences as a mother. My grandchild was about to be born and I wanted to make sure I left my experiences in writing, so all that I had learned in life, thus far, was available for him to read long after my time on earth ended. 

3. What is the book all about?

My book is about the unexpected turns my life took after having my second child, Noah. After discovering he was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, my entire world changed. Our entire family was thrust into a journey with little knowledge or coping skills to handle the life ahead. In my book I share the intimate details of what our experiences were and how to overcome through faith. 

4. Why did you choose this genre for your book?

The choice of writing a memoir of my own motherhood was an obvious one, having so much to share and be grateful for. 

5. How much time did it take to complete this book?

I began my book after finding out my daughter-in-law was expecting my first grandchild, during the pandemic in 2020 and completed it by the time my grandson was born. 

6. What makes your Book Special?

My book is extremely different from others in that it gives hope to a seemingly hopeless situation. It resolves to issues by introducing diagnoses early on and incorporating a strong faith in something other than the guidance of professionals educationally. Coupling faith in God with faith in neuroscience is a seemingly oxymoron, however our story shows how with God, all things are possible! 

7. When is your second book coming?

I continued to write consistently after publishing this book and have begun a series of short, topical books about walking with the Lord. As of now I have written and published seven books over the past two years. 

8. While writing did you get any writer's block? What is the Tip that you will give others who are facing writer's block?

When writing, having writers block is usually inevitable at some point. I overcame my issues with writers block by going back to my original outline I made before writing. Most time’s outlining is the key to keeping my thoughts cohesive and on topic. 

9. What are your other hobbies besides being a talented author?

Having been a dancer and dance instructor most of my life, dance remains my most constant hobby. As I watch my grandson grow and play, now almost three years old, we enjoy time with each other singing and dancing together! Along with growing my all-natural product company, I enjoy digital art in the form of advertising for my products and website. It is another creative outlet for me.
10. Last but not the least, How did you feel, while giving this interview?

While giving this interview I feel excited to share my works to a broader audience. I never wrote for the purpose of monetary gain, but rather as a ministry to my family and loved ones. As I give this interview I feel inspired to continue to try to contribute hope to a very volatile world we find ourselves in. 

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