An Angel Came for You by David J Howell.

About Book:

At the age of twenty-six Sarah only ever wanted the best life for her three-year old son Tommy, and after living four and a half years of hell with Charlie, Tommy’s father, a controlling, abusive and very violent man she manages to escape his grip.

Now finally free of him, she feels for the first time in Tommy’s short life that she can give him all of her time, love, devotion and the life he deserves but fate has different plans for her.

Somehow she wakes up five years in her past, finding herself back with her first love John, and living back at home with her mum, two years before Tommy’s birth.

Struggling to come to terms with life without Tommy and the guilt she feels for failing him, Sarah needs to figure out why she is trapped in her own past. With nobody to turn to, and with only her faith in her guardian angel to help her, she has to make the almost impossible decision; follow her life path the same way, meet Charlie all over again and relive every painful minute of her abusive life with him so that Tommy will be born, or believe that fate has changed her destiny to give her a second chance with her first love John, the man she always regretted leaving.

My take:

An Angel came for you is the first book I have recently finished reading written by the author David Howell and this book is full of emotions, love, drama, and reality with empowering storyline.

The story has a very captivating and creative start which grasp my full attention and kept me hooked to the book until the end. The most interesting part is that throughout the book I felt many emotions and goosebumps which I believe is rear and shows skilled penmanship.

The author David Howell has described and portrayed the main characters with different personalities and struggles which is incredible, the characters were diverse and unique. The book is written lucidly and incorporates everything together like emotions, and mental and physical health, the smooth flow, into this plot was very touching and heart whelming.

The highlight of this book is, it shows us how talented David is with his writing skills, which not only made me feel lost in the book but also kept me hooked to the book d the flow of the story intriguing until the end.

Overall a story of emotional roller coasters. What will you do if life brings you a second chance? Will you take it and change your life forever? Or continue the same life as it's familiar?

So click here and read now the book An angel came for you written by talented author David Howell.


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