The Girl Who Reset the Cyberworld by Cliff Ratza.


The Girl Who Reset the Cyberworld by Cliff Ratza.

My Take:

The Girl Who Reset the Cyberworld by Cliff Ratza is more than a book; it's an exhilarating journey through uncharted territories. As I delved into this book, the action unfolded seamlessly from where Book One left off, immersing me in the thrill of Electra's adventures.

What struck me most was the feel of the book—a perfect blend of suspense, danger, and empowerment. Ratza skillfully crafts Electra's character, taking her from NASA Mission Control to the scorching Danakil Depression and the serene Great Barrier Reef. The vivid descriptions transported me to these locations, making the journey feel not just fictional but palpably real.

Electra's struggles with a hidden medical issue add a layer of authenticity to the narrative. It's not just about saving the world; it's about navigating the personal challenges that come with her extraordinary abilities. The stakes are high, and Ratza keeps the tension taut throughout the novel.

As Electra faces battles on multiple fronts, including helping her Clone Children find new paths and navigating the unpredictable storms of Washington, the story escalates into a riveting tale of political intrigue. The unforeseen dangers and adversaries that Electra encounters keep the reader on the edge of their seat.

The highlight of this book was I felt a sense of awe and anticipation. The author's ability to weave together a gripping narrative, complex characters, and unforeseen twists left me eager for more. The concluding command from Indira the Singularity resonates, leaving an indelible mark on the reader's mind.

Featured at prestigious book fairs like the 75th Frankfurter Buchmesse and the New York Library Association 2023 in Saratoga Springs, NY, Ratza's novel has rightfully garnered attention. 

If you're seeking a book that seamlessly combines action, suspense, and a touch of the extraordinary, then thi book is a must-read.

 Cliff Ratza's storytelling prowess keeps the narrative flowing seamlessly, making it a thrilling and immersive read. If you're looking for a book that combines action, suspense, and a touch of the unexpected, this is a must-read.

Overall this book offers a unique blend of technological marvels, personal struggles, and global challenges. Click here and read now The Girl Who Reset the Cyberworld by Cliff Ratza.


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