Author's Interview With Mona

Author's Interview With Mona

First, before we move forward with our Author's Interview, I would like to start with an introduction. 

1. Could you please introduce yourself to us? 

I am Mona. I live in New Delhi India now. However, I am from a small town called Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh. I would call myself someone who likes to weave dreams into words. I am a writer by passion and I write by the pen name Blossom Mist. I work in the Corporate Sector. I am an avid reader. Coffee n Choclate lover. I like to experiment with cooking in my free time.

2. Congratulations on your book. So what inspired you to write this book?

I feel there is goodness and beauty in everyone and everything. It's just a matter of time that one realises. So, I get inspired by anything and everything. Even the most mundane. Also, I felt if I could add a little love in the world through my book, it will be a life worthwhile. So, if my readers feel a pinch of spice, a dash of care and loads of love, then this is worth it.

3. What is the book all about? 

This is book is all about love and it's different shades of love. Be it your crush, the first time you meet someone, the culmination, the separation, the betrayals. Everything that it brings 

4. Why did you choose this genre for your book? 

This is a difficult question. I will say this comes naturally to me. It's not that I don't experiment with other genres, but writing on Romance gives a special feeling. Moreso, it's always nice to add a little love back to the universe.

5. How much time did it take to complete this book?

It took me 2 years to finish the book.

6. What makes your Book Special? 

This is special to me , because it is dream that turned into reality of seeing my name in a book. I do hope it is able to resonate with my readers.

7. When is your second book coming?

I have a second book already. It's called Musings of a Wandering Mind. I self published it with Kindle (KDP).

8. While writing did you get any writer's block? What is the Tip that you will give others who are facing writer's block?

Oh yes, there were plenty. But the key to this is not to be hard on yourself. One should take a break. . Be yourself, don't judge yourself, there will be others. However, don't let anyone stop you. And read , and read. It's by reading good literature that you can create a beautiful piece yourself. 

9. What are your other hobbies besides being a talented author?

I am an avid reader. I love to experiment with cooking and baking in my free time.

10. Last but not the least, How did you feel, while giving this interview? 

I was nervous, obviously. I ain't good at talking about myself or ny work. They give me jitters. However, I extend my heartfelt thanks to this wonderful opportunity. Loads of love. Mona


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