Wings of Destiny- Ziaur Rahman Ansari - A life: by Fasihur Rahman.

About Book:

The biography offers an insight into the life of Ziaur Rahman Ansari (1925-1992), who served as a union minister in the council of ministers of two Prime Ministers – Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi. The book traces his political journey spanning nearly three decades and provides a rare glimpse into his vision, convictions, traits, and beliefs. He remained in the media spotlight in 1985 when he participated in a debate on a Private Member Bill related to the Supreme Court judgment on the Shah Bano case.

The author has provided a factual account of his public life which has, at several places, been misquoted or misinterpreted based on the perception of varied genres of society.

My Take: 

Wings of Destiny- Ziaur Rahman Ansari - A life is the first book I have read written by the author Fasihur Rahman and I am at a loss for words to describe the depths of this book. 

The book starts with a detailed family background along with the history of the livelihood of our country in the 19th century. The book has detailed and well-researched information with accurate facts and periods. As the book moved ahead, I liked how the topics were constantly shifting to something new and as it was giving me a history lesson on every page, I liked the information and the eagerness of the author to provide as many details as possible. 

I like the topic in the book, that the author has expressed, the delicate matters of difference in government between Hindus and Muslims during the British India period. The ear of Britishers has always compelled me and when the author has described the events, the details, the facts, the places, the people, and the infamous events it just intrigued my interest even more. 

The author has described many topics throughout the book including political events and history, rights, protests, a few mascaras, brutal events, India's struggle, and important figures that supported India as pillars, which were informative and refreshing. The book also had many movements. 

The book has given a vibe of the period/ era that we can only imagine now and feel the history through these words and information on our history which is inspiring and motivating that we have come a long way. 

I also liked how the book started from the very beginning of the 19th century, giving us a history lesson and moving forward smoothly into the life of Ziaur Rahaman. The pitchers at the end of the book were clever of the author, as they brought more life to the book. Though there are a lot of names to remember, reading the captions of the images was refreshing. 

Overall, a definite read and highly recommended book. Click here and read now the biography and insight into the life of Ziaur Rahman Ansari in the book Wings of Destiny- Ziaur Rahman Ansari - A life written by Fasihur Rahman.  


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