Dragons in the Clouds written by David Blair

The Blurb: 

Dragons in the Clouds is an epic adventure that takes place during a time period when Dragons were alive and freely roamed the land. The people during this time were getting eaten by a vicious species of Dragons. The ruling King finally orders the total annihilation of all living dragons. A powerful wizard, named Merlinius, who is a friend to the king, does not agree with the King's order, for Merlinius knows all Dragons are not what they seem. So he does what he must to protect a family of Dragons that he had befriended. And to protect his Dragon friends, Merlinius performs the spell of weightlessness and tells the Dragons to fly up and to hide in the cover of the Clouds. He then gives the Dragons strict instruction to live within the clouds and to only come down at night to eat. An apprentice to the wizard who has grandeur of his own has a plan for Dragons that he has hidden deep within a mountain cavern. Now enters a young boy, who had also befriended a dragon, though a very young one, suddenly find themselves caught between the Kings order and a battle that has begun between two species of Dragons. A battle that would determine control of the skies above the Kingdom of Albian. This Apprentice's plan has consequences that may bring the Kingdom and perhaps the very world we live in today to an devastating end.

My Take: 

Dragons in the Clouds is the debut novel written by the author David Blair and it will enchant you with its magical story of dragons. 

Just like the author David I love Dragons too, I wished they were real and after reading I m delighted that I had a chance to live this moment with this book. 

The book is written in a descriptive way, describing, the very moment, emotions, characters, surroundings, and minor expressions perfectly. The flow of the story is smooth, I really enjoyed the imaginative and detailed flow of the book. 

The highlight in the book that I liked the most is the friendship between the baby dragon and the kid. The capture of emotion; friendship written beautifully with deep affection and meaning between humans and animals is excellent work.

From the beginning till the very end it's enchanting to read. I also like the character Jayasha mother of David the way the author has developed her character with delicateness and fierce is astonished making the book worth reading twice and for a continuum. 

Overall loved the magical vibes of dragons and would recommend reading it to find the dragons and enjoy the ride to the clouds. Click here and read now the first book Dragons in the Clouds written by David Blair.


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