The Morning Beyond the Mountain by Sumant Barooah.

The Blurb: 

Love often wished for, at times actually happen at first sight when two people from distant lands of Australia and Thailand fall in Love. True relationships ascertain no boundaries, no distances, no environs, no religion, no nationalities, only the honesty of love, care, and respect. Weddings is envisaged to be made in Heaven, but they do happen in unfettered life-celebrating progression.

My Take:

Author Sumant Barooah is back with his new book The Morning Beyond the Mountain which is a pleasant story with compelling narration. 

The Morning Beyond the Mountain has a unique story that is filled with diverse cultures, cuisines, travel, philosophy, traditions, religions, responsibilities, family bonds, work ethics, and love. 

The Highlight of this book is that, there are few moments in this book that the author has written thoughtfully and full of emotions, like when growing up you intend to follow your parents' step, you start to understand them and along with it you become your own person as well, which I felt was heart-touching and the author has well written and express amazingly. Also, I felt that there will always going to be things around you that you just have to feel to see the beauty in them. We learn something new every day and if you can just pay little attention around, you will find many things which will always stay there with you as a memory, just like the author has expressed in his book. 

It’s always been a pleasure to read books written by the author Sumant Barooah, all his books are of different genres but every one of them is filled with emotions, different cultures, travel, unique characters, and a whole lot of life that I have never seen but have experienced with his books.

Likewise, The Morning Beyond the Mountain is just an outstanding book filled with love, care, passion, culture, traditions, an interesting storyline that is written expressively with unique and relatable characters. Can’t wait to read other books written by him.

Overall and a pleasant and wondrous book. So click here and read now the new book The Morning Beyond the Mountain written by Sumant Barooah.


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